HTML 标签细读

  1. i、em、b 是基于内容的样式标签

    • i 和 em 都是以斜体样式显示文本
    • b 是用来强调的
    • dl 与 dt、dd 构成定义列表,其中dt用于定义,dd用于描述。
  2. meta

    • 元素可提供有关页面的元信息(meta-information),比如针对搜索引擎和更新频度的描述和关键词。

    • 标签位于文档的头部,不包含任何内容。

    • 标签的属性定义了与文档相关联的名称/值对。

  3. dl 的 dt 和 dd 怎么用?


  4. em 的理解

    The em element represents stress emphasis of its contents.

    em 用来强调内容的重点

    The em element isn’t a generic “italics” element. Sometimes, text is intended to stand out from the rest of the paragraph, as if it was in a different mood or voice. For this, the i element is more appropriate.

    i 用来表示带有不同情绪或声调

    The em element also isn’t intended to convey importance; for that purpose, the strong element is more appropriate.

    strong 用来传递事情的重要性


    4.5.2. The em element

  5. p 的理解


    The p element should not be used when a more specific element is more appropriate.

    List elements (in particular, ol and ul elements) cannot be children of p elements.

    A paragraph, in HTML terms, is not a logical concept, but a structural one.


    有更合适的特定标签代替 p 时,不应该再使用 p

    列表元素(如 oul)不能是 p 的子元素。

    在 HTML 里,一个段落是一个结构性的概念,不是一个逻辑性的概念。


     <p>For instance, this fantastic sentence has bullets relating to</p>
       <li>faster-than-light travel, and</li>
     <p>and is further discussed below.</p>

    使用 div 代替 p 更简洁:

     <div>For instance, this fantastic sentence has bullets relating to
       <li>faster-than-light travel, and</li>
     and is further discussed below.</div>


    A p element’s end tag may be omitted if the p element is immediately followed by an address, article, aside, blockquote, div, dl, fieldset, footer, form, h1, h2, h3, h4, h5, h6, header, hgroup, hr, main, nav, ol, p, pre, section, table, or ul, element, or if there is no more content in the parent element and the parent element is not an a element.

    这段描述总结出来就是:为了避免结构混乱,p 记得要闭合标签,p 不要嵌套以上列出的标签。因为 p 包含以上标签时会自动拆分为两个 p


    4.4.1. The p element HTML <p>元素




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